Neural Manipulation
Neural Manipulation is wonderful therapy for healing the soft tissue injuries of car accidents. NM is also invaluable in recovery from, concussions, physical trauma, anxiety, insomnia, and PTSD. It has also proved helpful in carpal tunnel, sciatica, and neuralgia.
NM works with the body’s communication network – the nervous system. Sudden injury, trauma, and/or chronic stress shock your nervous system, & keep it in a state of constant stress. Chronic or intense stress prevents your body from healing. Healing becomes possible only when the nervous system calms down.
Through very subtle pressure on key nerves, NM helps the nervous system relax. Then the body can emerge from fear, anxiety, or insomnia. In other instances, an injury, strain, or repetitive action will result in a painful nerve fixation. Sciatica, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel, and tennis elbow are all examples of a specific nerve becoming pinched or restricted. In these instances with NM, the compressed nerve is gently engaged, & then the surrounding tissues are carefully moved in order to allow the nerve to once again slide and glide freely. The result is diminished or eliminated pain, & increased ability to move.
Neural Manipulation: what does it feel like?
NM involves extremely light touch precisely applied on affected areas. Sometimes it hardly feels like you are being touched. The nerves themselves have a slightly electric, buzzy feel. When nerve fixations are freed, the response can differ. There can be immediate, dramatic relief where the contracted muscles surrounding the nerve suddenly relax. Sometimes the original symptoms of pain & discomfort are briefly aggravated, then very gradually subside & disappear over a period of 2-3 weeks.