Chi Nei Tsang, Viceral & Other Body Work


Peter Melnychuk currently spends most of the year in Mexico; he aspires to work summers in Edmonton  

Peter’s gentle touch and extensive clinical experience, his ability to synthesize and choose wisely from a wide depth of knowledge, gives him an exceptional ability to solve problems for his clients.

It was profound experience in 1996 when Peter first had his belly “unwound.” After several more sessions of this abdominal touch therapy – Chi Nei Tsang – he noticed a significant improvement in his health.  

This gentle but deep bodywork – centred on optimizing function of the internal organs (intestines, stomach, liver, bladder) – effectively released years of buried physical and emotional tension and trauma.

Soonafter, Peter dedicated himself to a search for the most effective global visceral healing practices. He began his training in traditional and modern, eastern and western therapies. These studies have taken him throughout North America, and many times to India and Thailand.

His primary therapeutic training, in Visceral Manipulation (VM) and Chi Nei Tsang (CNT), began more than 20 years ago. These very effective practices are so far not well known. People are much more familiar with massage, even craniosacral therapy.

In the past decade, Peter’s passion for healing has prompted him to delve into other therapies. To better help those with whiplash, concussions & nerve pain, he trained in Neural Manipulation. For others suffering joint issues he learned osteopathic mobilization techniques.

For clients suffering chronic tension & stubborn injuries, he travelled to Thailand to learn Tok Sen.  To assist those with allergies & food sensitivities he studied Total Body Modification. 

Peter has become a widely respected teacher in visceral bodywork. He is a lifelong athlete. Soccer, cross country skiing, qigong, & more recently, bouldering have supplanted cycling and yoga as his favourite physical activities. He is dedicated to healing and fitness – physically, emotionally, and spiritually – for himself and his clients.